Match for The Future

Qualified employees are vital for any company. Through a close dialogue with companies and educational institutions we work to ensure access to the right competencies for any business.

With the award Match for The Future, we celebrate the companies that commit to the responsibility of educating the workforce of the future. The award is presented to a company that has gone the extra mile for a student/apprentice.

Anyone can nominate a company for the Match for The Future award. It is a must that the company is located within Horsens Municipality or that the student/apprentice is associated with a local division here.

Please note that it is not a requirement for the company to excel in all options below to win. 

Do you know a company that makes a special effort for the workforce of the future? Then please nominate your candidate for Match for The Future here.

Contact person with the company
Student / apprentice in the company
Why is this company's effort for students/apprentices special?
Describe on or more concrete results of the corporation with the student/apprentice.
E.g., increased digitalization, new technology, new products, new markets etc.
Has the company worked with international students?
If yes:
Please explain how the international activities or attention has been strengthened through the corporation.
Has the company offered mentoring for the student/apprentice?
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